National Association(s)
Research & Publications
- ÖBKT - Österreichischer Berufsverband für Kunsttherapie (Austrian Professional Art Therapy Association) https://berufsverbandkunsttherapie.com/ / [email protected]
- ÖFKG - Österreichischer Fachverband für Kunst- und Gestaltungstherapie (Austrian Professional Association for Art Therapy)
https://www.kunsttherapie-fachverband.org/ - ÖVAOK - Österreichischer Vereinigung Anthroposophisch Orientierter Kunsttherapien (Austrian Association of Anthroposically Oriented Art Therapies)
www. anthroposophische‐kunsttherapien.at - F-MGT - Fachverband Mal- & Gestaltungstherapie (Professional Organisation Painting & Art Therapy)
Wiener Schule für Kunsttherapie (private college)
The training corresponds to the quality criteria of the ÖFKG (= Österreichischer Fachverband für Kunst- und Gestaltungstherapeuten) and is recognized in Austria as further training for psychotherapists (Stumm, 1995).
The theory is based on Systemical psychotherapy, the dynamic of Tiefenpsychologie, the theory of development, Gestaltbildung, theory of transfer and counter transfer.
The Basic Module: 2 years
With the final reflection of the basic module the students gain the certificate for „creative trainer“.
The Diploma Module: 2 years
Gained diploma - „Diplomkunsttherapeutin“.
MGT - Mal- und Gestaltungstherapie (private college)
The training takes place in Vienna, Graz and Innsbruck.
It is based on 3 modules:
1.module (2 years) : at the end students receive the certificate „creative trainer“.
2. module: (2 years): ends up with the diploma „Mal- und Gestaltungstherapeut“.
Academy for further training: * clinical Mal- und Gestaltungstherapie
* supervisor training
ÖVAK – Anthroposophic Art Theray (private college)
Curriculum for 3 years training:
1.year: intensive training concerning art and personal development
The artistic training contains 10 weekend modules, the students are instructed in colours, shapes, composition, painting in landscape and drawing: portrait, nude and free drawing, etc.
The anthroposic image of the human being is based on body, life, soul and spirit.
2.year: contains different techniques and their therapeutic relevance, temperaments, elements, art therapy with children and young people, art therapy with clients suffering from cancer or trauma.
AKT – Akademie für Kunsttherapie (private college)
The 4 year training is based on the system of modules with great variety concerning the graduate from these modules.
1.course/ AKT-I: Expressive Creativity- Therapy
2.course/ AKT-II: Productive Creativity- Therapy
3.course/ AKT-III: Inventive Art Therapy
4.course/ AKT-IV: Innovative Art Therapy
5.course/ AKT-V: Emergency/Emergentive Art Therapy
All the training correspond to the quality criteria of the curriculum of the ÖFKG.
Masterlehrgang: Kunsttherapie und Pädagogik, Private Pädagogische Hochschule der Diözese Linz (Master of Arts Program in Art Therapy for Teachers, Social Workers and Theologians, Private University of Education, Diocese Linz):
No state recognition.
Every art therapist with diploma and clinical experience is allowed to work in his/her private practice.
Employed psychotherapists, occupational therapists or nurses often work as art therapists in Austrian hospitals, on the basis of personal agreement.
Employed psychotherapists, occupational therapists or nurses often work as art therapists in Austrian hospitals, on the basis of personal agreement.
Zeitschrift “Kunst & Therapie” (Journal "Art & Therapy", in German)
Last update: May 2019